Jan 13 2023
Aug 05 2022
Aug 05 2022
Jul 29 2022
12B/13B, North Building of Pacific Square, No.331, Jiahe Road, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian, China. 361001
Volakas Marble For Home Decoration Project
This article mainly introduces the case of Greek Volakas white marble in home decoration. I hope it can give you some references for home decoration.
Volakas marble with white background and quiet in different features on the surface that diagonal vein structure ranging from light to thick, its vein colors of grey, pink purple or even brown, Volakas cloudy featuring grey and shadows, Volakas classic featuring in mosaic patterns that enjoy the dark blue and grey carvings, all features have been given too many meanings and has pure texture.
Volakas Marble is one of the most known white marble in the world. White background with purple or brownish diagonal veins running throughout the marble. Volakas Marble gives the light and feeling of widening of the space, that is why many designers give preference to this marble.
A men's apartment in an elite residential area, measuring 157m2, with light warm tones in the interior, the designer turned it into a super modern and comfortable space.
The double-sided sofa in the center of the living room is well lit by large floor-to-ceiling windows that overlook the panoramic view of the city.
The TV backdrop is handmade, with multiple pieces of specially-shaped marble spliced together according to the designer's design requirements.
The kitchen and living room are integrated into one, almost invisible, with all worktops and equipment hidden away.
The kitchen island combines the work and dining areas, with textured shaped sidewalls that stand out in the light.
A large bathtub is located on the inner side of the bedroom, and the bathing area is separated by a mobile glass door, a great design solution.
With the white marble-based, stylishly textured atmospheric space, the sink is sophisticated and stylish, giving the whole space a more artistic feel.