Jan 13 2023
Aug 05 2022
Aug 05 2022
Jul 29 2022
12B/13B, North Building of Pacific Square, No.331, Jiahe Road, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian, China. 361001
The Limestone aluminum honeycomb order has successfully been completed and passed the inspection. This is a project for a shopping mall, all the cut-to-size to be used for internal wall, 10mm laminated with light. They will be packed and shipped soon.
This material is stable in quality and has very little variation, especially good for various large commercial projects or home decoration, such as wall and floor application, mosaic, fountains, pool, and wall capping, staircase, window sill, and other design projects.
If you have some projects, need natural stone collection, pls connect MQSTONE for more details by info@mqmarble.com.