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Modify Rust Stains from Marble Countertops

Oct 25, 2021

Steps Modified For Rust Stains

Marble is one of the most beautiful materials you can use for countertops, backsplashes, and other home surfaces. However, marble can encounter stains that will diminish the natural stone’s appearance. While this may seem concerning, there is no need to panic. Many marble stains, including those from rust, can be removed. This guide will help you figure out how to remove rust stains from your marble.

If you are dealing with a rust stain on your marble surface, it may be more advantageous to go with a different approach. Use this process to treat indoor or outdoor rust stains and eliminate them. All you need is the following:

Paper towels
Hydrogen peroxide
Plastic wrap

White Marble Countertop

Here are the five steps for dealing with rust stains:

Tear up the paper towel and put the pieces in a medium-sized bowl.
Then drop in a few drops of ammonia. Fully soak the paper towels with hydrogen peroxide (but don’t over soak). This is the mixture that will remove your stain.
Apply the pieces of paper towel to the area to cover it. Since the pieces are wet, they will stick to even vertical surfaces.
Cover the area with plastic wrap and tape the plastic wrap down just to ensure that the solution isn’t removed.
Cut a few vents for airflow and let it sit until it is dry (about 2-3 days).
When it’s time to remove the solution, all you need is some warm water to wash and scrub the surface clean.